🎃Happy Halloween🎃
As known, many regions across the world celebrate Halloween on the 31st of October. However, it is not the only holiday observed during this time. In Spain, on the first of November, All Saints Day is celebrated. Portugal also observes their unique holiday during the same time: God's Sake day. Have you heard of how they celebrate before? Leave a comment of what you know! The students of English and Portuguese have created and decorated bags to go door to door with. Do you celebrate Halloween or something similar within your community?
Como es sabido, el 31 de Octubre se celebra Halloween en gran parte del mundo; ¡pero no es lo único! Aparte del día de Todos Los Santos en España, el 1 de noviembre se celebra en Portugal el "Pão por Deus". ¿Sabéis en qué consiste? ¡Descúbrelo! El alumnado de inglés y portugués ha creado y decorado bolsas para pedir casa por casa. ¿Celebras Halloween o algo parecido en vuestra comunidad?